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Class of 1971
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Kathy Alcorn (Jones)
Sherry Allen (Harkins)
Lisa Baer (Cron)
Dennis Bailey
Brian Barcic
Thomas Barnhart
Albert Bart Bartlett
A. Chris Baumgarten (Nichols)
Marilyn J. Bayer (Gammon)
William A. Bender
Edward M Besselman
Bill Billanti
Kelly Bird
Janice Bitner (Jourdan)
Jean Bonelli (Stanish)
Beverly Boss (Owen)
William B. Bower
James H. Boyd
Marianne Boyd
Cheryl Boyer (Spelar)
Robert Edward Brett
Carol Brungraber (Reece)
Robert Brunner
Mark Burello
David Burkey
Janet Burkhouse (Grosso)
Chip Cable
Carol Campbell (Novicki)
Jeff Clatty
Robert H. Coblentz
Dan G. Cohen
Gary Cohen
Mark W. Collins
David Compel
William Thomas Coughanour
Patricia Cullen (Duncan)
Judy Cunningham (Allison)
Margaret Cusack (Absalom)
Phillip Danhires
Douglas Danko
Ed Dapper
Earl Dean
Cynthia M. Dell (Clark)
Istvan Devenyi
Lewis Dipietro
David P. Dorn
Frank B. Dreifuss
Lee James Dreven
James Drozynski
Bruce Drummond
Daniel A. (Dan) Earley
Karen Eckstrom (Lackey)
Mike Egal
Linda Ehrlich (Offner)
Carol Elder (MacGregor)
David A. Estes
Paul Falkowski
George Felder
John B. Fenton
Charlene Fera (Thomas)
Mimi Ferrell
Jessica Fisher (Dulis)
Mark Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Fitzwilliam
Wendy Fleming
Mary Fletcher (LaPlante)
Frederick Flury
J. Murray Frank
Charles Frankenberry
James Frederick
Mark Gaggin
Carla Gardner (Robinson)
Leigh Gerstenberger
Nancy L. Gillette
James B. Gilliken
Darryl R. Gray
Denise Greber (Higby)
Sheryl Grosso (Borden)
Richard Grube
Johanna C. Guehl
David Hall
Susan Hall (Godwin)
John (Jack) Haller
Debra Hankin (Burke)
Michael L. Harvey
Dolores Hasley
Charles Haudenshield
Holly Hendrix (Schneider)
Louanne Henry (Frederickson)
Richard James Henry
William Hignett
Nancy Hofrichter (Hojdila)
William Holt
Susan Hough
Donald R. Housley
Barbara Hudson (Mitchell)
Victoria Iannotta (Bartolli)
Melissa Johnston (Kruse)
Russell K. Jones
Russell R. Jones
Lynn Kalla (Donovan)
James Karras
Janet P. Keltz (Clark)
Terry Kemper
Betsy Kennon
Alex M Kindler
John Klinvex
Nancy Kobelak (Hayden)
Andrea Kountz (Crockett)
James H. Kramer
Frank LaButis Jr
James LaMark
George Lambl
John D. Lampert
Jon Lantz
Bill E. Lemster
Lydia M. Lockhart
Robert Lohman
Richard John Lorenzato
Irwin Ronald Lutz
Nona MacDonald (Cortese)
Janice Mack (Dorrance)
William F. Manning
David William May
Jackie (Jacqueline) Maykranz
Leo R. McCafferty
Shelia McCarthy (Lee)
Melissa McClure (Becker)
Michael McDermott
John Gregg McHugh
Brad Meneilly
Kim Metheny
Deborah Michel (Antinozzi)
Dale Mihaly
Marcia Miller (Telthorster)
Brian Mogan
Joseph Moidel
Connie Moore (Schmidt)
Priscella Jane Moore (Horzepa)
James Moretti
Dave D. Moritz
Audrey Morris (Balbach)
Ruth Morwitz (Vranesevic)
Maureen Mustin (Griffith)
Patricia Myers (Riley)
Lydia Nassikas (Greene)
Paul Kent Neal
John Neely
Wally Nowe
David P. O'Brien
Gregory Olson
Ted Pace
Linda Pajak (Figura)
Joan Palka (Doyle)
Cassandra Parmley (Ostrowski)
Linda Paul (Dudjak)
Robert Perella
Carol Peterson (Wolkoff)
Heidi Pieger (Wentzel)
Paul Pikulin
Marie Piscioneri (Losardo)
Joan Reich (Bender)
Tim Reilly
Larry Reynolds
Amy Riggs (Baker)
Michael Robinson
Bruce W. Rosenthal
John Dan Rothermel
Edwin Ruh
Richard D. Sahar
Douglas A. Satterfield
Randi Schaefer (Starr)
Thomas R. Schneider
Linda Schwartz (Bunch)
Thomas Seiler
Jeff Shaw
Barbara Shonberg
Christine Simpson (O'Connor)
Suzanne Sleyman (Hall)
Janice Sortino
Howard Elliot Stahl
Richard Stein
James W. Stewart
Gerald Stringe
Chris Sullivan (Thieman)
Daniel L. Sullivan
Susan Sutter (Egal)
Kathy Taylor (Enick)
Mary Taylor (Falkowski)
Andrew Tchirkow
Gary W. Thompson
Charlie Thornburgh
Russell L. Ulmer
Barbara Unger (Brunner)
Melissa Updegraff (Thompson)
Robert Virgi
James Wallace
Thisbe Watkins (Ozimok)
Jeffery L. Weiner
Larry Wells
Suzanne Welsh (Vaughan)
James A. Wenger
Jim B. Wholey
Keith Wilson
Robert L. Wolfe
Kenneth Wood
Mick Young
Dean T. Zaimes
Rosemary Zoller (Mclnerney)
Sally Zoller